
spending holidays away from family is not always easy, its their love that makes christmas magical. nothing can substitute for that. Travel during the holidays often means you are renting a rental house which rarely feels like home. here in costa rica rental homes often come with poorly equipped kitchens and uncomfortable couches both necessary to fully enjoy the holidays.
but we were lucky and this christmas we received best gift ever from our new friends who let us stay in their amazing cob house in exchange for taking care of their seven chickens, cat named gigi and a bunny we can't find. after living for two months in a tiny tree house without an oven, reliable internet and a couch we are vegging out in all corners of the house feeling totally spoiled. 
its christmas morning. kids and matt went swimming to the pool. i'm drinking morning tea and i feel happy. i'm happy to be here in costa rica, grateful for the beautiful weather, lucky we made friends that make us feel at home. 
this year there was no stress leading up to christmas, no christmas shopping, no last trips to the mall. it was a calm and peaceful christmas.
last night we made pasta pesto for dinner and enjoyed chocolate cake with friends, in the evening we went to a bonfire and in the morning we woke up to the sound of howler monkeys. " zyc nie umierac" polish proverb "life worth living"
in poland we believe that how you spend your christmas its how your next year will be so it should be pretty awesome if you ask me.
can't wait for it. 


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