
Its a different kind of travel when you visit a family living abroad. We wanted our family to first get the feel of our life here, show them the town we live in, our favorite river, community and most importantly introduce them to our friends. Our experience in Costa Rica wouldn't be the same if it wasn't for the people we met here.

You can see here very clearly the american cousin who just arrived, versus the jungle girl who has lived in the trees for six months.

This guy was hell bent on keeping his white shirt clean. I did not tell him we are throwing half our clothes away when we leave.  We live in the jungle we should all be wearing loin cloths anyways.

Here we are tasting guapinol a costa rican super food.  It tastes like a banana and is one of many fruits that just grow here and fall to the forest floor for the next creature to come along and gobble it up.

We had cousin sleepovers in our tico house, that asher first called the "dump," but at the end it grew on him. it was as if no time has passed, the kids played with each other till their eyes could no longer stay open. On most of the car excursions we had all four kids in the back of the land cruiser and it was so sweet to see how warm and loving they were with each other. Leo and Asher got married and kissed eight times despite asher being sick, they spoke of getting older together and the good old times back in Costa Rica. 


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