

We have been planning to sell the house for some time but this time we finally did it. At first it was the maintenance we didn't want, then came the dream to have more land, but finally it become all about us as a family. We wanted more time for each other, simply be with our kids, to show them the world as we know it. After we hand the keys to new buyers we are leaving for Costa Rica where we can keep our heads in the clouds for a little longer...

Things I'll miss about the house...
the vegetable garden, my favorite place but it should be easy to start a small garden anywhere else we'll end up. 
the neighborhood, we LOVE our neighbors, kids made great friends here and the lollipop loop was just perfect for our evening scooter rides. We'll keep in touch everyone :(
but the house...yes I'll miss you too, you gave us good memories, you look so good in pictures and provided us with good shelter for 8 years.

Things I won't miss ...
The uncoordinated spraying of the chemicals in the neighborhood, this summer it seemed like there wasn't a day without the white crystals all over the road and I love walking barefoot so I'm a little crazy about that. 
The cleaning ( hopefully in the future I won't ever have house with more then 1500 square foot)​

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